Tuesday, December 5, 2006

PIRATES 2 released on DVD TODAY!!! =D

i love this movie!!!

loved the first movie, too, of course!!!


more info about the movie here:

p.s. i call myself savvy kate cuz i like how in pirate talk, they use the word savvy a lot. johnny uses it a lot in these pirate movies. it sounds cool. =)

for those of u that don't know, savvy means:
(source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/savvy)

sav·vy Pronunciation (sv) Informal
adj. sav·vi·er, sav·vi·est
Well informed and perceptive; shrewd: savvy Washington insiders.
Practical understanding or shrewdness: a banker known for financial savvy.
tr. & intr.v. sav·vied (svd), sav·vy·ing, sav·vies (svz)
To understand; comprehend.

[From Spanish sabe (usted), (you) know, from saber, to know, from Old Spanish, from Vulgar Latin *sapre, from Latin sapere, to be wise; see sep- in Indo-European roots.]

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